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Managed Treasury Operations

Logiframe Managed Treasury Operations Services (MTOS) solution is a customizable and flexible approach that can help organizations reimagine the treasury function. MTOS provides a more sustainable solution that supports finance and treasury teams with additional insights, and time to focus on strategic initiatives.

Managed Treasury Operations

Your Business Challenge

Today’s treasury function goes beyond daily treasury operations — managing financial risks, keeping pace with regulatory and accounting change, preventing commercial fraud and dealing with stakeholder demands. With a vastly evolving treasury technology and higher levels of scrutiny on how companies manage risks, treasury can play a pivotal role in driving the strategic direction of your organization and help overcome challenges with:

  1. Optimizing investment avoidance: execution of effective treasury operations without significant infrastructure investment and transformation cost

  2. Enhancing information and insight requirements: relevant and timely data management information in user-friendly formats to facilitate informed decision-making and better risk management when you need it

  3. Reducing operational risk: reduction of operational risk and decrease in cost due to standardization, centralization and automation

Solution Benefits

Managed treasury services can provide organizations with greater peace of mind, improved performance and enhanced insights through their treasury function. 

Managed Treasury Services Can Support You to:

Focus on Strategic Activities and Improve Reporting Cycles

Divert and focus resources on strategic matters while driving faster timescales for annual and monthly reporting

Provide Enhanced Information and Insight

Relevant and timely data management information in user-friendly format to facilitate informed decision-making and better risk management

Transform Your Business and Drive Cost Efficiency

Leveraging talent and technology across a number of clients to reduce cost

Solution Features & Functionality

Through the use of third-party treasury technology and a combination of Logiframe tools and resources, managed treasury services can provide full integration within your reporting and system processes.

Logiframe teams can apply a modular approach tailored to your organization’s requirements, helping to equip you with the services and reports that meet your requirements.

For example, Logiframe teams can support in the following areas:

  1. Strategic reporting: help managing financial risk, and funding and liquidity

  2. Analytics: supporting treasury through the power of data for informed decision-making

  3. Accounting and reporting: help with prioritizing resources for strategic accounting activities and improving reporting cycle time performance

Why Logiframe?

Logiframe teams can support your organization with leading subject-matter knowledge and experience, and technology-enabled solutions and processes, while helping you to focus on strategic initiatives and providing finance teams with insights. It’s your world, running on ours, better.

How We Can Help You?

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